Parasite control strategy planning is one of the most important things that you need to do as the owner of a herd of alpacas or llamas. Camelids are extremely sensitive to gastrointestinal parasites so you need to know what is going on in your herd. You need to know how to monitor your animals so that you can spot potential problems that may develop. Most importantly, you need to know how to sort your herd management in order to prevent these problems from occurring in the first place.
Do not leave your parasite control strategy to chance, and do not take someone else’s strategy and assume that it’s good enough for you. You need to take the time to develop your own herd- and location-specific parasite control strategy.

Don’t worry if this seems intimidating. We can help…
Let us help you with our Parasite Control Strategy Planning Service, and be assured that we can help you wherever you are in the world. We will schedule a Zoom call to discuss your herd’s very specific requirements based on pasture availability, number of animals and testing resources. We will look at the 5 key areas of a parasite control strategy and help you figure out a year-round plan to keep your alpacas or llamas parasite-free and in the best health:
- Pasture management
- Monitoring your animals
- Faecal testing
- Use of anthelmintics and anticoccidials where required
- Quarantine.
If you are located in the UK, we will need you to send us a representative number of faecal samples from your herd in order to assess their current status. Faecal testing costs are in addition to the consultation but will be charged at our most affordable price of £18 +VAT per sample. If you are not located in the UK, we will work together to find somewhere you can send samples to for analysis.
After our call, you will be sent an action plan telling you exactly what to do. Adjustments may need to be made depending on conditions and other events that may pop up during the course of the year.
To help you design your perfect parasite control strategy, the investment in your herd’s ongoing health is £797 +VAT.
To find out more or to schedule a consultation, contact us by calling on 01491 680313, or by email [email protected].